Why would you use affiliate marketing as an author, blogger, editor even a cover designer? That is an easy question to answer. You can earn money on the products you use every day. Almost every place you shop has an affiliate program.

Some of the ones that come to mind that I used as a writer are:

  • Scrivener
  • Amazon
  • Grammarly
  • Novlr
  • Photoshop
  • Canva
  • ConvertKit
  • BlueHost
  • Any software you use

That is just a few that I can come with without researching more. And you can make money doing it. Even if it is not a lot to start with. You can build it up as you grow your email list. I know that many authors have aspiring writers to follow them. Another thing I know is that readers ask their favorite authors for advices. That is why I always recommend that authors have a website for their book business, especially if they want to do it full time.

How to get started in Affiliate Marketing

Starting is really quite simple you can incorporate it in your weekly blog post or even your weekly newsletter. But I also, recommend learning to do it on a bigger scale because you can learn to scale your business so that you are making a full-time living and are able to write your books without stressing and keeping it fun. There is a course I recommend you take from a very smart man even though he dropped out of high school in the 9th grade. His name is Dave Sharpe and his course is called the 15-Day Challenge. (This is an affiliate link and if you purchase the $7 course I will earn a small commission on the purchase). I know that you are not planning on starting a full-time affiliate marketing business, but what this 15 day challenges teaches you will increase the money you earn through affiliate marketing, and will leave you more time to do what you love, write, design covers, edit books or even buy more books to read and review.

This is proof that you can make full-time income just from sharing your links. And if you do high ticket even more.

Affiliate marketing is something that I have done over my career, and I am going to amp up my affiliate income because after doing all the research I have it is the most passive income I can have once I have it established.

How are you going to do it?

My advice is to start with Amazon affiliates, and when you share books use an affiliate link to share the book. Use an affiliate link when you recommend anything on your website, social media, or in your newsletter or weekly email from Amazon. Start applying to different affiliate companies for the software you use.

Where can you find Affiliate Programs

When I go looking for a new affiliate program I just google it. Like Canva Affiliate Program – just type it in google and it will show you the way.

Next week, I will be going into the details of creating the next stream of income for my favorite people, my indie community. I think my creatives will love it. I will also be doing a more detailed YouTube on affiliate marketing for you give you a lot more details.

Love you all and I all I want to do is see you keep on writing. While you’re here why don’t you check out my journey to where I am.